/* * Copyright (c) 2012 The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved.* */ /* Copyright (c) 2010-2012, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 and * only version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "rpm_resources.h" static DEFINE_MUTEX(msm_xo_lock); struct msm_xo { unsigned votes[NUM_MSM_XO_MODES]; unsigned mode; struct list_head voters; }; struct msm_xo_voter { const char *name; unsigned mode; struct msm_xo *xo; struct list_head list; }; static struct msm_xo msm_xo_sources[NUM_MSM_XO_IDS]; #ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_FS static const char *msm_xo_to_str[NUM_MSM_XO_IDS] = { [MSM_XO_TCXO_D0] = "D0", [MSM_XO_TCXO_D1] = "D1", [MSM_XO_TCXO_A0] = "A0", [MSM_XO_TCXO_A1] = "A1", [MSM_XO_TCXO_A2] = "A2", [MSM_XO_CORE] = "CORE", }; static const char *msm_xo_mode_to_str[NUM_MSM_XO_MODES] = { [MSM_XO_MODE_ON] = "ON", [MSM_XO_MODE_PIN_CTRL] = "PIN", [MSM_XO_MODE_OFF] = "OFF", }; static int msm_xo_debugfs_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp) { filp->private_data = inode->i_private; return 0; } static ssize_t msm_xo_debugfs_read(struct file *filp, char __user *ubuf, size_t cnt, loff_t *ppos) { int r; char buf[10]; struct msm_xo_voter *xo = filp->private_data; r = snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s\n", msm_xo_mode_to_str[xo->mode]); return simple_read_from_buffer(ubuf, cnt, ppos, buf, r); } static ssize_t msm_xo_debugfs_write(struct file *filp, const char __user *ubuf, size_t cnt, loff_t *ppos) { struct msm_xo_voter *xo = filp->private_data; char buf[10], *b; int i, ret; if (cnt > sizeof(buf) - 1) return -EINVAL; if (copy_from_user(&buf, ubuf, cnt)) return -EFAULT; buf[cnt] = '\0'; b = strstrip(buf); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(msm_xo_mode_to_str); i++) if (!strncasecmp(b, msm_xo_mode_to_str[i], sizeof(buf))) { ret = msm_xo_mode_vote(xo, i); return ret ? : cnt; } return -EINVAL; } static const struct file_operations msm_xo_debugfs_fops = { .open = msm_xo_debugfs_open, .read = msm_xo_debugfs_read, .write = msm_xo_debugfs_write, }; static struct dentry *xo_debugfs_root; static struct msm_xo_voter *xo_debugfs_voters[NUM_MSM_XO_IDS]; static int __init msm_xo_init_debugfs_voters(void) { int i; xo_debugfs_root = debugfs_create_dir("msm_xo", NULL); if (!xo_debugfs_root) return -ENOMEM; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(msm_xo_sources); i++) { xo_debugfs_voters[i] = msm_xo_get(i, "debugfs"); if (IS_ERR(xo_debugfs_voters[i])) goto err; debugfs_create_file(msm_xo_to_str[i], S_IRUGO | S_IWUSR, xo_debugfs_root, xo_debugfs_voters[i], &msm_xo_debugfs_fops); } return 0; err: while (--i >= 0) msm_xo_put(xo_debugfs_voters[i]); debugfs_remove_recursive(xo_debugfs_root); return -ENOMEM; } static void msm_xo_dump_xo(struct seq_file *m, struct msm_xo *xo, const char *name) { struct msm_xo_voter *voter; seq_printf(m, "CXO %-16s%s\n", name, msm_xo_mode_to_str[xo->mode]); list_for_each_entry(voter, &xo->voters, list) seq_printf(m, " %s %-16s %s\n", xo->mode == voter->mode ? "*" : " ", voter->name, msm_xo_mode_to_str[voter->mode]); } static int msm_xo_show_voters(struct seq_file *m, void *v) { int i; mutex_lock(&msm_xo_lock); for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(msm_xo_sources); i++) msm_xo_dump_xo(m, &msm_xo_sources[i], msm_xo_to_str[i]); mutex_unlock(&msm_xo_lock); return 0; } static int msm_xo_voters_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *file) { return single_open(file, msm_xo_show_voters, inode->i_private); } static const struct file_operations msm_xo_voters_ops = { .open = msm_xo_voters_open, .read = seq_read, .llseek = seq_lseek, .release = seq_release, }; static int __init msm_xo_debugfs_init(void) { msm_xo_init_debugfs_voters(); if (!debugfs_create_file("xo_voters", S_IRUGO, NULL, NULL, &msm_xo_voters_ops)) return -ENOMEM; return 0; } #else static int __init msm_xo_debugfs_init(void) { return 0; } #endif static int msm_xo_update_vote(struct msm_xo *xo) { int ret; unsigned vote, prev_vote = xo->mode; struct msm_rpm_iv_pair cmd; if (xo->votes[MSM_XO_MODE_ON]) vote = MSM_XO_MODE_ON; else if (xo->votes[MSM_XO_MODE_PIN_CTRL]) vote = MSM_XO_MODE_PIN_CTRL; else vote = MSM_XO_MODE_OFF; if (vote == prev_vote) return 0; /* * Change the vote here to simplify the TCXO logic. If the RPM * command fails we'll rollback. */ xo->mode = vote; cmd.id = MSM_RPM_ID_CXO_BUFFERS; cmd.value = (msm_xo_sources[MSM_XO_TCXO_D0].mode << 0) | (msm_xo_sources[MSM_XO_TCXO_D1].mode << 8) | (msm_xo_sources[MSM_XO_TCXO_A0].mode << 16) | (msm_xo_sources[MSM_XO_TCXO_A1].mode << 24) | (msm_xo_sources[MSM_XO_TCXO_A2].mode << 28) | /* * 8660 RPM has XO_CORE at bit 18 and 8960 RPM has * XO_CORE at bit 20. Since the opposite bit is * reserved in both cases, just set both and be * done with it. */ ((msm_xo_sources[MSM_XO_CORE].mode ? 1 : 0) << 20) | ((msm_xo_sources[MSM_XO_CORE].mode ? 1 : 0) << 18); ret = msm_rpm_set(MSM_RPM_CTX_SET_0, &cmd, 1); if (ret) xo->mode = prev_vote; return ret; } static int __msm_xo_mode_vote(struct msm_xo_voter *xo_voter, unsigned mode) { int ret; struct msm_xo *xo = xo_voter->xo; int is_d0 = xo == &msm_xo_sources[MSM_XO_TCXO_D0]; int needs_workaround = soc_class_is_msm8960() || soc_class_is_apq8064() || cpu_is_ipq806x(); if (xo_voter->mode == mode) return 0; xo->votes[mode]++; xo->votes[xo_voter->mode]--; ret = msm_xo_update_vote(xo); if (ret) { xo->votes[xo_voter->mode]++; xo->votes[mode]--; goto out; } /* TODO: Remove once RPM separates the concept of D0 and CXO */ if (is_d0 && needs_workaround) { static struct clk *xo_clk; if (!xo_clk) { xo_clk = clk_get_sys("msm_xo", "xo"); BUG_ON(IS_ERR(xo_clk)); } /* Ignore transitions from pin to on or vice versa */ if (mode && xo_voter->mode == MSM_XO_MODE_OFF) clk_prepare_enable(xo_clk); else if (!mode) clk_disable_unprepare(xo_clk); } xo_voter->mode = mode; out: return ret; } /** * msm_xo_mode_vote() - Vote for an XO to be ON, OFF, or under PIN_CTRL * @xo_voter - Valid handle returned from msm_xo_get() * @mode - Mode to vote for (ON, OFF, PIN_CTRL) * * Vote for an XO to be either ON, OFF, or under PIN_CTRL. Votes are * aggregated with ON taking precedence over PIN_CTRL taking precedence * over OFF. * * This function returns 0 on success or a negative error code on failure. */ int msm_xo_mode_vote(struct msm_xo_voter *xo_voter, enum msm_xo_modes mode) { int ret; if (!xo_voter) return 0; if (mode >= NUM_MSM_XO_MODES || IS_ERR(xo_voter)) return -EINVAL; mutex_lock(&msm_xo_lock); ret = __msm_xo_mode_vote(xo_voter, mode); mutex_unlock(&msm_xo_lock); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL(msm_xo_mode_vote); /** * msm_xo_get() - Get a voting handle for an XO * @xo_id - XO identifier * @voter - Debug string to identify users * * XO voters vote for OFF by default. This function returns a pointer * indicating success. An ERR_PTR is returned on failure. * * If XO voting is disabled, %NULL is returned. */ struct msm_xo_voter *msm_xo_get(enum msm_xo_ids xo_id, const char *voter) { int ret; struct msm_xo_voter *xo_voter; if (xo_id >= NUM_MSM_XO_IDS) { ret = -EINVAL; goto err; } xo_voter = kzalloc(sizeof(*xo_voter), GFP_KERNEL); if (!xo_voter) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err; } xo_voter->name = kstrdup(voter, GFP_KERNEL); if (!xo_voter->name) { ret = -ENOMEM; goto err_name; } xo_voter->xo = &msm_xo_sources[xo_id]; /* Voters vote for OFF by default */ mutex_lock(&msm_xo_lock); xo_voter->xo->votes[MSM_XO_MODE_OFF]++; list_add(&xo_voter->list, &xo_voter->xo->voters); mutex_unlock(&msm_xo_lock); return xo_voter; err_name: kfree(xo_voter); err: return ERR_PTR(ret); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(msm_xo_get); /** * msm_xo_put() - Release a voting handle * @xo_voter - Valid handle returned from msm_xo_get() * * Release a reference to an XO voting handle. This also removes the voter's * vote, therefore calling msm_xo_mode_vote(xo_voter, MSM_XO_MODE_OFF) * beforehand is unnecessary. */ void msm_xo_put(struct msm_xo_voter *xo_voter) { if (!xo_voter || IS_ERR(xo_voter)) return; mutex_lock(&msm_xo_lock); __msm_xo_mode_vote(xo_voter, MSM_XO_MODE_OFF); xo_voter->xo->votes[MSM_XO_MODE_OFF]--; list_del(&xo_voter->list); mutex_unlock(&msm_xo_lock); kfree(xo_voter->name); kfree(xo_voter); } EXPORT_SYMBOL(msm_xo_put); int __init msm_xo_init(void) { int i, ret; struct msm_rpm_iv_pair cmd[1]; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(msm_xo_sources); i++) INIT_LIST_HEAD(&msm_xo_sources[i].voters); cmd[0].id = MSM_RPM_ID_CXO_BUFFERS; cmd[0].value = 0; ret = msm_rpmrs_set(MSM_RPM_CTX_SET_0, cmd, ARRAY_SIZE(cmd)); if (ret) return ret; msm_xo_debugfs_init(); return 0; }