/* The oSIP library implements the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP -rfc3261-) Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004,2005 Aymeric MOIZARD jack@atosc.org This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #define MIME_MAX_BOUNDARY_LEN 70 extern const char *osip_protocol_version; static int strcat_simple_header (char **_string, size_t * malloc_size, char **_message, void *ptr_header, char *header_name, size_t size_of_header, int (*xxx_to_str) (void *, char **), char **next); static int strcat_headers_one_per_line (char **_string, size_t * malloc_size, char **_message, osip_list_t * headers, char *header, size_t size_of_header, int (*xxx_to_str) (void *, char **), char **next); static int strcat_headers_all_on_one_line (char **_string, size_t * malloc_size, char **_message, osip_list_t * headers, char *header, size_t size_of_header, int (*xxx_to_str) (void *, char **), char **next); static int __osip_message_startline_to_strreq (osip_message_t * sip, char **dest) { const char *sip_version; char *tmp; char *rquri; int i; *dest = NULL; if ((sip == NULL) || (sip->req_uri == NULL) || (sip->sip_method == NULL)) return -1; i = osip_uri_to_str (sip->req_uri, &rquri); if (i != 0) return -1; if (sip->sip_version == NULL) sip_version = osip_protocol_version; else sip_version = sip->sip_version; *dest = (char *) osip_malloc (strlen (sip->sip_method) + strlen (rquri) + strlen (sip_version) + 3); tmp = *dest; tmp = osip_str_append (tmp, sip->sip_method); *tmp = ' '; tmp++; tmp = osip_str_append (tmp, rquri); *tmp = ' '; tmp++; strcpy (tmp, sip_version); osip_free (rquri); return 0; } static int __osip_message_startline_to_strresp (osip_message_t * sip, char **dest) { char *tmp; const char *sip_version; char status_code[5]; *dest = NULL; if ((sip == NULL) || (sip->reason_phrase == NULL) || (sip->status_code < 100) || (sip->status_code > 699)) return -1; if (sip->sip_version == NULL) sip_version = osip_protocol_version; else sip_version = sip->sip_version; sprintf (status_code, "%u", sip->status_code); *dest = (char *) osip_malloc (strlen (sip_version) + 3 + strlen (sip->reason_phrase) + 4); tmp = *dest; tmp = osip_str_append (tmp, sip_version); *tmp = ' '; tmp++; tmp = osip_strn_append (tmp, status_code, 3); *tmp = ' '; tmp++; strcpy (tmp, sip->reason_phrase); return 0; } static int __osip_message_startline_to_str (osip_message_t * sip, char **dest) { if (sip->sip_method != NULL) return __osip_message_startline_to_strreq (sip, dest); if (sip->status_code != 0) return __osip_message_startline_to_strresp (sip, dest); OSIP_TRACE (osip_trace (__FILE__, __LINE__, TRACE_LEVEL1, NULL, "ERROR method has no value or status code is 0!\n")); return -1; /* should never come here */ } char * osip_message_get_reason_phrase (const osip_message_t * sip) { return sip->reason_phrase; } int osip_message_get_status_code (const osip_message_t * sip) { return sip->status_code; } char * osip_message_get_method (const osip_message_t * sip) { return sip->sip_method; } char * osip_message_get_version (const osip_message_t * sip) { return sip->sip_version; } osip_uri_t * osip_message_get_uri (const osip_message_t * sip) { return sip->req_uri; } static int strcat_simple_header (char **_string, size_t * malloc_size, char **_message, void *ptr_header, char *header_name, size_t size_of_header, int (*xxx_to_str) (void *, char **), char **next) { char *string; char *message; char *tmp; int i; string = *_string; message = *_message; if (ptr_header != NULL) { if (*malloc_size < message - string + 100 + size_of_header) /* take some memory avoid to osip_realloc too much often */ { /* should not happen often */ size_t size = message - string; *malloc_size = message - string + size_of_header + 100; string = osip_realloc (string, *malloc_size); if (string == NULL) { *_string = NULL; *_message = NULL; return -1; } message = string + size; } message = osip_strn_append (message, header_name, size_of_header); i = xxx_to_str (ptr_header, &tmp); if (i == -1) { *_string = string; *_message = message; *next = NULL; return -1; } if (*malloc_size < message - string + strlen (tmp) + 100) { size_t size = message - string; *malloc_size = message - string + strlen (tmp) + 100; string = osip_realloc (string, *malloc_size); if (string == NULL) { *_string = NULL; *_message = NULL; return -1; } message = string + size; } message = osip_str_append (message, tmp); osip_free (tmp); message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); } *_string = string; *_message = message; *next = message; return 0; } static int strcat_headers_one_per_line (char **_string, size_t * malloc_size, char **_message, osip_list_t * headers, char *header, size_t size_of_header, int (*xxx_to_str) (void *, char **), char **next) { char *string; char *message; char *tmp; int pos = 0; int i; string = *_string; message = *_message; while (!osip_list_eol (headers, pos)) { void *elt; elt = (void *) osip_list_get (headers, pos); if (*malloc_size < message - string + 100 + size_of_header) /* take some memory avoid to osip_realloc too much often */ { /* should not happen often */ size_t size = message - string; *malloc_size = message - string + size_of_header + 100; string = osip_realloc (string, *malloc_size); if (string == NULL) { *_string = NULL; *_message = NULL; return -1; } message = string + size; } osip_strncpy (message, header, size_of_header); i = xxx_to_str (elt, &tmp); if (i == -1) { *_string = string; *_message = message; *next = NULL; return -1; } message = message + strlen (message); if (*malloc_size < message - string + strlen (tmp) + 100) { size_t size = message - string; *malloc_size = message - string + strlen (tmp) + 100; string = osip_realloc (string, *malloc_size); if (string == NULL) { *_string = NULL; *_message = NULL; return -1; } message = string + size; } message = osip_str_append (message, tmp); osip_free (tmp); message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); pos++; } *_string = string; *_message = message; *next = message; return 0; } static int strcat_headers_all_on_one_line (char **_string, size_t * malloc_size, char **_message, osip_list_t * headers, char *header, size_t size_of_header, int (*xxx_to_str) (void *, char **), char **next) { char *string; char *message; char *tmp; int pos = 0; int i; string = *_string; message = *_message; pos = 0; while (!osip_list_eol (headers, pos)) { if (*malloc_size < message - string + 100 + size_of_header) /* take some memory avoid to osip_realloc too much often */ { /* should not happen often */ size_t size = message - string; *malloc_size = message - string + size_of_header + 100; string = osip_realloc (string, *malloc_size); if (string == NULL) { *_string = NULL; *_message = NULL; return -1; } message = string + size; } message = osip_strn_append (message, header, size_of_header); while (!osip_list_eol (headers, pos)) { void *elt; elt = (void *) osip_list_get (headers, pos); i = xxx_to_str (elt, &tmp); if (i == -1) { *_string = string; *_message = message; *next = NULL; return -1; } if (*malloc_size < message - string + strlen (tmp) + 100) { size_t size = message - string; *malloc_size = message - string + (int) strlen (tmp) + 100; string = osip_realloc (string, *malloc_size); if (string == NULL) { *_string = NULL; *_message = NULL; return -1; } message = string + size; } message = osip_str_append (message, tmp); osip_free (tmp); pos++; if (!osip_list_eol (headers, pos)) { message = osip_strn_append (message, ", ", 2); } } message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); } *_string = string; *_message = message; *next = message; return 0; } /* return values: 1: structure and buffer "message" are identical. 2: buffer "message" is not up to date with the structure info (call osip_message_to_str to update it). -1 on error. */ int osip_message_get__property (const osip_message_t * sip) { if (sip == NULL) return -1; return sip->message_property; } int osip_message_force_update (osip_message_t * sip) { if (sip == NULL) return -1; sip->message_property = 2; return 0; } static int _osip_message_realloc (char **message, char **dest, size_t needed, size_t * malloc_size) { size_t size = *message - *dest; if (*malloc_size < (size_t) (size + needed + 100)) { *malloc_size = size + needed + 100; *dest = osip_realloc (*dest, *malloc_size); if (*dest == NULL) return -1; *message = *dest + size; } return 0; } static int _osip_message_to_str (osip_message_t * sip, char **dest, size_t * message_length, int sipfrag) { size_t malloc_size; size_t total_length = 0; /* Added at SIPit day1 */ char *start_of_bodies; char *content_length_to_modify = NULL; char *message; char *next; char *tmp; int pos; int i; char *boundary = NULL; malloc_size = SIP_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH; *dest = NULL; if ((sip == NULL)) return -1; { if (1 == osip_message_get__property (sip)) { /* message is already available in "message" */ *dest = osip_malloc (sip->message_length + 1); if (*dest == NULL) return -1; memcpy (*dest, sip->message, sip->message_length); (*dest)[sip->message_length] = '\0'; if (message_length != NULL) *message_length = sip->message_length; return 0; } else { /* message should be rebuilt: delete the old one if exists. */ osip_free (sip->message); sip->message = NULL; } } message = (char *) osip_malloc (SIP_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH); /* ???? message could be > 4000 */ if (message == NULL) return -1; *dest = message; /* add the first line of message */ i = __osip_message_startline_to_str (sip, &tmp); if (i == -1) { if (!sipfrag) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } /* A start-line isn't required for message/sipfrag parts. */ } else { size_t message_len = strlen(tmp); if (_osip_message_realloc (&message, dest, message_len + 3, &malloc_size) < 0) { osip_free (tmp); *dest = NULL; return -1; } if (strlen(tmp) < SIP_MESSAGE_MAX_LENGTH) /* buffer overrun Codenomicon 645.754 */ message = osip_str_append (message, tmp); osip_free (tmp); message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); } i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->vias, "Via: ", 5, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_via_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->record_routes, "Record-Route: ", 14, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_record_route_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->routes, "Route: ", 7, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_route_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_simple_header (dest, &malloc_size, &message, sip->from, "From: ", 6, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_from_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_simple_header (dest, &malloc_size, &message, sip->to, "To: ", 4, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_to_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_simple_header (dest, &malloc_size, &message, sip->call_id, "Call-ID: ", 9, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_call_id_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_simple_header (dest, &malloc_size, &message, sip->cseq, "CSeq: ", 6, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_cseq_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->contacts, "Contact: ", 9, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_contact_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->authorizations, "Authorization: ", 15, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_authorization_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->www_authenticates, "WWW-Authenticate: ", 18, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_www_authenticate_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->proxy_authenticates, "Proxy-Authenticate: ", 20, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_www_authenticate_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->proxy_authorizations, "Proxy-Authorization: ", 21, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_authorization_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; pos = 0; while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->headers, pos)) { osip_header_t *header; size_t header_len = 0; header = (osip_header_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->headers, pos); i = osip_header_to_str (header, &tmp); if (i == -1) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } header_len = strlen (tmp); if (_osip_message_realloc (&message, dest, header_len + 3, &malloc_size) < 0) { osip_free (tmp); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = osip_str_append (message, tmp); osip_free (tmp); message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); pos++; } i = strcat_headers_all_on_one_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->allows, "Allow: ", 7, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_content_length_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_simple_header (dest, &malloc_size, &message, sip->content_type, "Content-Type: ", 14, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_content_type_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_all_on_one_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->content_encodings, "Content-Encoding: ", 18, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_content_length_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_simple_header (dest, &malloc_size, &message, sip->mime_version, "Mime-Version: ", 14, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_content_length_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->call_infos, "Call-Info: ", 11, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_call_info_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->alert_infos, "Alert-Info: ", 12, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_call_info_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->error_infos, "Error-Info: ", 12, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_call_info_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_all_on_one_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->accepts, "Accept: ", 8, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_accept_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_all_on_one_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->accept_encodings, "Accept-Encoding: ", 17, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_accept_encoding_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_all_on_one_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->accept_languages, "Accept-Language: ", 17, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_accept_encoding_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->authentication_infos, "Authentication-Info: ", 21, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_authentication_info_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; i = strcat_headers_one_per_line (dest, &malloc_size, &message, &sip->proxy_authentication_infos, "Proxy-Authentication-Info: ", 27, ((int (*)(void *, char **)) &osip_authentication_info_to_str), &next); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } message = next; /* we have to create the body before adding the contentlength */ /* add enough lenght for "Content-Length: " */ if (_osip_message_realloc (&message, dest, 16, &malloc_size) < 0) return -1; if (sipfrag && osip_list_eol (&sip->bodies, 0)) { /* end of headers */ osip_strncpy (message, CRLF, 2); message = message + 2; /* same remark as at the beginning of the method */ sip->message_property = 1; sip->message = osip_strdup (*dest); sip->message_length = message - *dest; if (message_length != NULL) *message_length = message - *dest; return 0; /* it's all done */ } osip_strncpy (message, "Content-Length: ", 16); message = message + 16; /* SIPit Day1 ALWAYS RECALCULATE? if (sip->contentlength!=NULL) { i = osip_content_length_to_str(sip->contentlength, &tmp); if (i==-1) { osip_free(*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } osip_strncpy(message,tmp,strlen(tmp)); osip_free(tmp); } else { */ if (osip_list_eol (&sip->bodies, 0)) /* no body */ message = osip_strn_append (message, "0", 1); else { /* BUG: p130 (rfc2543bis-04) "No SP after last token or quoted string" In fact, if extra spaces exist: the stack can't be used to make user-agent that wants to make authentication... This should be changed... */ content_length_to_modify = message; message = osip_str_append (message, " "); } /* } */ message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); /* end of headers */ message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); start_of_bodies = message; total_length = start_of_bodies - *dest; if (osip_list_eol (&sip->bodies, 0)) { /* same remark as at the beginning of the method */ sip->message_property = 1; sip->message = osip_strdup (*dest); sip->message_length = total_length; if (message_length != NULL) *message_length = total_length; return 0; /* it's all done */ } if (sip->mime_version != NULL && sip->content_type && sip->content_type->type && !osip_strcasecmp (sip->content_type->type, "multipart")) { osip_generic_param_t *ct_param = NULL; /* find the boundary */ i = osip_generic_param_get_byname (&sip->content_type->gen_params, "boundary", &ct_param); if ((i >= 0) && ct_param && ct_param->gvalue) { size_t len = strlen (ct_param->gvalue); if (len > MIME_MAX_BOUNDARY_LEN) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } boundary = osip_malloc (len + 5); osip_strncpy (boundary, CRLF, 2); osip_strncpy (boundary + 2, "--", 2); if (ct_param->gvalue[0] == '"' && ct_param->gvalue[len - 1] == '"') osip_strncpy (boundary + 4, ct_param->gvalue + 1, len - 2); else osip_strncpy (boundary + 4, ct_param->gvalue, len); } } pos = 0; while (!osip_list_eol (&sip->bodies, pos)) { osip_body_t *body; size_t body_length; body = (osip_body_t *) osip_list_get (&sip->bodies, pos); if (boundary) { /* Needs at most 77 bytes, last realloc allocate at least 100 bytes extra */ message = osip_str_append (message, boundary); message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); } i = osip_body_to_str (body, &tmp, &body_length); if (i != 0) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; if (boundary) osip_free (boundary); return -1; } if (malloc_size < message - *dest + 100 + body_length) { size_t size = message - *dest; int offset_of_body; int offset_content_length_to_modify = 0; offset_of_body = (int) (start_of_bodies - *dest); if (content_length_to_modify != NULL) offset_content_length_to_modify = (int) (content_length_to_modify - *dest); malloc_size = message - *dest + body_length + 100; *dest = osip_realloc (*dest, malloc_size); if (*dest == NULL) { osip_free (tmp); /* fixed 09/Jun/2005 */ if (boundary) osip_free (boundary); return -1; } start_of_bodies = *dest + offset_of_body; if (content_length_to_modify != NULL) content_length_to_modify = *dest + offset_content_length_to_modify; message = *dest + size; } memcpy (message, tmp, body_length); message[body_length] = '\0'; osip_free (tmp); message = message + body_length; pos++; } if (boundary) { /* Needs at most 79 bytes, last realloc allocate at least 100 bytes extra */ message = osip_str_append (message, boundary); message = osip_strn_append (message, "--", 2); message = osip_strn_append (message, CRLF, 2); osip_free (boundary); boundary = NULL; } if (content_length_to_modify == NULL) { osip_free (*dest); *dest = NULL; return -1; } /* we NOW have the length of bodies: */ { size_t size = message - start_of_bodies; char tmp2[15]; total_length += size; sprintf (tmp2, "%i", size); /* do not use osip_strncpy here! */ strncpy (content_length_to_modify + 5 - strlen (tmp2), tmp2, strlen (tmp2)); } /* same remark as at the beginning of the method */ sip->message_property = 1; sip->message = osip_malloc (total_length + 1); if (sip->message != NULL) { memcpy (sip->message, *dest, total_length); sip->message[total_length] = '\0'; sip->message_length = total_length; if (message_length != NULL) *message_length = total_length; } return 0; } int osip_message_to_str (osip_message_t * sip, char **dest, size_t * message_length) { return _osip_message_to_str (sip, dest, message_length, 0); } int osip_message_to_str_sipfrag (osip_message_t * sip, char **dest, size_t * message_length) { return _osip_message_to_str (sip, dest, message_length, 1); }