# CHIP PSoC6 All Clusters Example An example showing the use of Matter on the Infineon CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 board.
- [Matter PSoC6 All Clusters Example](#chip-psoc6-all-clusters-example) - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Building](#building) - [Flashing the Application](#flashing-the-application) - [Commissioning and cluster control](#commissioning-and-cluster-control) - [Setting up chip-tool](#setting-up-chip-tool) - [Commissioning over BLE](#commissioning-over-ble) - [Notes](#notes) - [Factory Reset](#factory-reset) - [OTA Software Update](#ota-software-update)
## Introduction The PSoC6 clusters example provides a baseline demonstration of a Cluster control device, built using Matter and the Infineon Modustoolbox SDK. It can be controlled by Matter controller over Wi-Fi network. The PSoC6 device can be commissioned over Bluetooth Low Energy where the device and the Matter controller will exchange security information with the Rendezvous procedure. Wi-Fi Network credentials are then provided to the PSoC6 device which will then join the network. ## Building - Download and install [Modustoolbox Software v3.2](https://www.infineon.com/modustoolbox) Refer to `integrations/docker/images/stage-2/chip-build-infineon/Dockerfile` or `scripts/examples/gn_psoc6_example.sh` for downloading the Software and related tools. - Install some additional tools (likely already present for Matter developers): ``` sudo apt install gcc g++ clang ninja-build python \ python3-venv libssl-dev libavahi-client-dev libglib2.0-dev git cmake \ python3-pip ``` - Supported hardware: [CY8CKIT-062S2-43012](https://www.cypress.com/CY8CKIT-062S2-43012) * Build the example application: $ source scripts/activate.sh $ scripts/build/build_examples.py --no-log-timestamps --target 'infineon-psoc6-all-clusters-minimal' build - To delete generated executable, libraries and object files use: $ cd ~/connectedhomeip $ rm -rf out/ ## Flashing the Application - Put CY8CKIT-062S2-43012 board on KitProg3 CMSIS-DAP Mode by pressing the `MODE SELECT` button. `KITPROG3 STATUS` LED is ON confirms board is in proper mode. (Modustoolbox Software needs to be installed) - On the command line: $ cd ~/connectedhomeip $ export CY_TOOLS_PATHS=/tools_3.2 $ python3 out/infineon-psoc6-all-clusters-minimal/chip-psoc6-clusters-minimal-example.flash.py ## Commissioning and cluster control Commissioning can be carried out using BLE. ### Setting up Chip tool Once PSoC6 is up and running, we need to set up chip-tool on Raspberry Pi 4 to perform commissioning and cluster control. - Set up python controller. $ cd {path-to-connectedhomeip} $ ./scripts/examples/gn_build_example.sh examples/chip-tool out/debug - Execute the controller. $ ./out/debug/chip-tool ### Commissioning over BLE Run the built executable and pass it the discriminator and pairing code of the remote device, as well as the network credentials to use. $ ./out/debug/chip-tool pairing ble-wifi 1234 ${SSID} ${PASSWORD} 20202021 3840 Parameters: 1. Discriminator: 3840 2. Setup-pin-code: 20202021 3. Node ID: 1234 (you can assign any node id) 4. SSID : Wi-Fi SSID 5. PASSWORD : Wi-Fi Password #### Notes Raspberry Pi 4 BLE connection issues can be avoided by running the following commands. These power cycle the BlueTooth hardware and disable BR/EDR mode. $ sudo btmgmt -i hci0 power off $ sudo btmgmt -i hci0 bredr off $ sudo btmgmt -i hci0 power on ### Factory Reset - Commissioned Wi-Fi Credentials can be cleared by pressing `USER_BTN2` button on the board. All the data configured on the device during the initial commissioning will be deleted and device will be ready for commissioning again. - Pressing the button again within 5 seconds will cancel the factory reset of the board. ## OTA Software Update For the description of Software Update process with infineon PSoC6 example applications see [Infineon PSoC6 OTA Software Update](../../../../docs/platforms/infineon/infineon_psoc6_software_update.md)