/* * * Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file * This file implements the CHIP Device Interface that is used by * applications to interact with the CHIP stack * */ #include #include "CHIPDeviceManager.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Globals.h" #include "LEDWidget.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::chip; using namespace ::chip::Credentials; namespace chip { namespace DeviceManager { using namespace ::chip::DeviceLayer; chip::DeviceLayer::FactoryDataProvider mFactoryDataProvider; void CHIPDeviceManager::CommonDeviceEventHandler(const ChipDeviceEvent * event, intptr_t arg) { CHIPDeviceManagerCallbacks * cb = reinterpret_cast(arg); if (cb != nullptr) { cb->DeviceEventCallback(event, reinterpret_cast(cb)); } } CHIP_ERROR CHIPDeviceManager::Init(CHIPDeviceManagerCallbacks * cb) { CHIP_ERROR err; mCB = cb; err = Platform::MemoryInit(); SuccessOrExit(err); err = PlatformMgr().InitChipStack(); SuccessOrExit(err); err = mFactoryDataProvider.Init(); if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Error initializing FactoryData!"); ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Check if you have flashed it correctly!"); } SetCommissionableDataProvider(&mFactoryDataProvider); SetDeviceAttestationCredentialsProvider(&mFactoryDataProvider); SetDeviceInstanceInfoProvider(&mFactoryDataProvider); #if CONFIG_NETWORK_LAYER_BLE ConnectivityMgr().SetBLEAdvertisingEnabled(true); #endif PlatformMgr().AddEventHandler(CHIPDeviceManager::CommonDeviceEventHandler, reinterpret_cast(cb)); // // Start a task to run the CHIP Device event loop. err = PlatformMgr().StartEventLoopTask(); SuccessOrExit(err); exit: return err; } } // namespace DeviceManager } // namespace chip void MatterPostAttributeChangeCallback(const chip::app::ConcreteAttributePath & attributePath, uint8_t type, uint16_t size, uint8_t * value) { chip::DeviceManager::CHIPDeviceManagerCallbacks * cb = chip::DeviceManager::CHIPDeviceManager::GetInstance().GetCHIPDeviceManagerCallbacks(); EndpointId endpointId = attributePath.mEndpointId; ClusterId clusterId = attributePath.mClusterId; AttributeId attributeId = attributePath.mAttributeId; if (clusterId == app::Clusters::OnOff::Id) { if (attributeId != app::Clusters::OnOff::Attributes::OnOff::Id) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Unknown attribute ID: %" PRIx32, attributeId); return; } statusLED1.Set(*value); } else if (clusterId == app::Clusters::LevelControl::Id) { if (attributeId != app::Clusters::LevelControl::Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Unknown attribute ID: %" PRIx32, attributeId); return; } if (size == 1) { // ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "New level: %u ", *value); } else { ChipLogError(Zcl, "wrong length for level: %d\n", size); } } else if (clusterId == app::Clusters::ColorControl::Id) { using namespace app::Clusters::ColorControl::Attributes; uint8_t hue, saturation; if ((attributeId != CurrentHue::Id) && (attributeId != CurrentSaturation::Id)) { ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Unknown attribute ID: %" PRIx32, attributeId); return; } if (attributeId == CurrentHue::Id) { hue = *value; CurrentSaturation::Get(endpointId, &saturation); } if (attributeId == CurrentSaturation::Id) { saturation = *value; CurrentHue::Get(endpointId, &hue); } ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "New hue: %d, New saturation: %d ", hue, saturation); } else if (clusterId == app::Clusters::Identify::Id) { if (attributeId == app::Clusters::Identify::Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id) { if (cb != nullptr) { cb->PostAttributeChangeCallback(endpointId, clusterId, attributeId, type, size, value); } ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "IdentifyTime value: %u ", *value); } } else { // ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Unknown cluster ID: %" PRIx32, clusterId); return; } }