/* * * Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors * Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "LightingManager.h" #include "qvIO.h" #include // initialization values for Blue in XY color space constexpr XyColor_t kBlueXY = { 9830, 3932 }; constexpr XyColor_t kWhiteXY = { 20495, 21563 }; // initialization values for Blue in HSV color space constexpr HsvColor_t kBlueHSV = { 240, 100, 255 }; constexpr HsvColor_t kWhiteHSV = { 0, 0, 255 }; // default initialization value for the light level after start constexpr uint8_t kDefaultLevel = 1; LightingManager LightingManager::sLight; CHIP_ERROR LightingManager::Init() { mState = kState_Off; mLevel = kDefaultLevel; mXY = kWhiteXY; mHSV = kWhiteHSV; mRGB = XYToRgb(mLevel, mXY.x, mXY.y); return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } bool LightingManager::IsTurnedOn() { return mState == kState_On; } uint8_t LightingManager::GetLevel() { return mLevel; } void LightingManager::SetCallbacks(LightingCallback_fn aActionInitiated_CB, LightingCallback_fn aActionCompleted_CB) { mActionInitiated_CB = aActionInitiated_CB; mActionCompleted_CB = aActionCompleted_CB; } bool LightingManager::InitiateAction(Action_t aAction, int32_t aActor, uint16_t size, uint8_t * value) { // TODO: this function is called InitiateAction because we want to implement some features such as ramping up here. bool action_initiated = false; State_t new_state; XyColor_t xy; HsvColor_t hsv; CtColor_t ct; switch (aAction) { case ON_ACTION: ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "LightMgr:ON: %s->ON", mState == kState_On ? "ON" : "OFF"); break; case OFF_ACTION: ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "LightMgr:OFF: %s->OFF", mState == kState_On ? "ON" : "OFF"); break; case LEVEL_ACTION: ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "LightMgr:LEVEL: lev:%u->%u", mLevel, *value); break; case COLOR_ACTION_XY: xy = *reinterpret_cast(value); ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "LightMgr:COLOR: xy:%u|%u->%u|%u", mXY.x, mXY.y, xy.x, xy.y); break; case COLOR_ACTION_HSV: hsv = *reinterpret_cast(value); ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "LightMgr:COLOR: hsv:%u|%u->%u|%u", mHSV.h, mHSV.s, hsv.h, hsv.s); break; case COLOR_ACTION_CT: ct.ctMireds = *reinterpret_cast(value); ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "LightMgr:COLOR: ct:%u->%u", mCT.ctMireds, ct.ctMireds); break; default: ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "LightMgr:Unknown"); break; } // Initiate On/Off Action only when the previous one is complete. if (mState == kState_Off && aAction == ON_ACTION) { action_initiated = true; new_state = kState_On; } else if (mState == kState_On && aAction == OFF_ACTION) { action_initiated = true; new_state = kState_Off; } else if (aAction == LEVEL_ACTION && *value != mLevel) { action_initiated = true; if (*value == 0) { new_state = kState_Off; } else { new_state = kState_On; } } else if (aAction == COLOR_ACTION_XY) { action_initiated = true; if (xy.x == 0 && xy.y == 0) { new_state = kState_Off; } else { new_state = kState_On; } } else if (aAction == COLOR_ACTION_HSV) { action_initiated = true; if (hsv.h == 0 && hsv.s == 0) { new_state = kState_Off; } else { new_state = kState_On; } } if (action_initiated) { if (mActionInitiated_CB) { mActionInitiated_CB(aAction); } if (aAction == LEVEL_ACTION) { SetLevel(*value); } else if (aAction == COLOR_ACTION_XY) { SetColor(xy.x, xy.y); } else if (aAction == COLOR_ACTION_HSV) { SetColor(hsv.h, hsv.s); } else if (aAction == COLOR_ACTION_CT) { SetColorTemperature(ct); } else { Set(new_state == kState_On); } if (mActionCompleted_CB) { mActionCompleted_CB(aAction); } } return action_initiated; } void LightingManager::SetLevel(uint8_t aLevel) { mLevel = aLevel; mRGB = XYToRgb(mLevel, mXY.x, mXY.y); UpdateLight(); } void LightingManager::SetColor(uint16_t x, uint16_t y) { mXY.x = x; mXY.y = y; mRGB = XYToRgb(mLevel, mXY.x, mXY.y); UpdateLight(); } void LightingManager::SetColor(uint8_t hue, uint8_t saturation) { mHSV.h = hue; mHSV.s = saturation; mHSV.v = mLevel; // use level from Level Cluster as Vibrance parameter mRGB = HsvToRgb(mHSV); UpdateLight(); } void LightingManager::SetColorTemperature(CtColor_t ct) { mCT = ct; mRGB = CTToRgb(ct); UpdateLight(); } void LightingManager::Set(bool aOn) { if (aOn) { mState = kState_On; } else { mState = kState_Off; } UpdateLight(); } void LightingManager::UpdateLight() { ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "UpdateLight: %d L:%d R:%d G:%d B:%d", mState, mLevel, mRGB.r, mRGB.g, mRGB.b); qvIO_PWMSetColor(mRGB.r, mRGB.g, mRGB.b); qvIO_PWMColorOnOff(mState == kState_On); }