/* * * Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors * Copyright (c) 2019 Google LLC. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "BoltLockManager.h" #include "AppConfig.h" #include "AppTask.h" #include using namespace chip; BoltLockManager BoltLockManager::sLock; TimerHandle_t sLockTimer; #if defined(CHIP_CONFIG_FREERTOS_USE_STATIC_TASK) && CHIP_CONFIG_FREERTOS_USE_STATIC_TASK StaticTimer_t sLockTimerBuffer; #endif CHIP_ERROR BoltLockManager::Init() { #if defined(CHIP_CONFIG_FREERTOS_USE_STATIC_TASK) && CHIP_CONFIG_FREERTOS_USE_STATIC_TASK sLockTimer = xTimerCreateStatic("lockTmr", // Just a text name, not used by the RTOS kernel 1, // == default timer period (mS) false, // no timer reload (==one-shot) (void *) this, // init timer id = ble obj context TimerEventHandler, // timer callback handler &sLockTimerBuffer // static buffer for timer ); #else // Create FreeRTOS sw timer for lock timer. sLockTimer = xTimerCreate("lockTmr", // Just a text name, not used by the RTOS kernel 1, // == default timer period (mS) false, // no timer reload (==one-shot) (void *) this, // init timer id = lock obj context TimerEventHandler // timer callback handler ); #endif if (sLockTimer == nullptr) { ChipLogProgress(NotSpecified, "sLockTimer timer create failed"); return APP_ERROR_CREATE_TIMER_FAILED; } mState = kState_LockingCompleted; return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } void BoltLockManager::SetCallbacks(Callback_fn_initiated aActionInitiated_CB, Callback_fn_completed aActionCompleted_CB) { mActionInitiated_CB = aActionInitiated_CB; mActionCompleted_CB = aActionCompleted_CB; } bool BoltLockManager::IsActionInProgress() { return (mState == kState_LockingInitiated || mState == kState_UnlockingInitiated); } bool BoltLockManager::IsUnlocked() { return (mState == kState_UnlockingCompleted); } bool BoltLockManager::GetUser(uint16_t userIndex, EmberAfPluginDoorLockUserInfo & user) const { user = mUsers[userIndex - 1]; ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Getting lock user %u: %s", static_cast(userIndex), user.userStatus == UserStatusEnum::kAvailable ? "available" : "occupied"); return true; } bool BoltLockManager::SetUser(uint16_t userIndex, FabricIndex creator, FabricIndex modifier, const CharSpan & userName, uint32_t uniqueId, UserStatusEnum userStatus, UserTypeEnum userType, CredentialRuleEnum credentialRule, const CredentialStruct * credentials, size_t totalCredentials) { UserData & userData = mUserData[userIndex - 1]; auto & user = mUsers[userIndex - 1]; VerifyOrReturnError(userName.size() <= DOOR_LOCK_MAX_USER_NAME_SIZE, false); VerifyOrReturnError(totalCredentials <= CONFIG_LOCK_NUM_CREDENTIALS_PER_USER, false); Platform::CopyString(userData.mName, userName); memcpy(userData.mCredentials, credentials, totalCredentials * sizeof(CredentialStruct)); user.userName = CharSpan(userData.mName, userName.size()); user.credentials = Span(userData.mCredentials, totalCredentials); user.userUniqueId = uniqueId; user.userStatus = userStatus; user.userType = userType; user.credentialRule = credentialRule; user.creationSource = DlAssetSource::kMatterIM; user.createdBy = creator; user.modificationSource = DlAssetSource::kMatterIM; user.lastModifiedBy = modifier; ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Setting lock user %u: %s", static_cast(userIndex), userStatus == UserStatusEnum::kAvailable ? "available" : "occupied"); return true; } bool BoltLockManager::GetCredential(uint16_t credentialIndex, CredentialTypeEnum credentialType, EmberAfPluginDoorLockCredentialInfo & credential) const { VerifyOrReturnError(credentialIndex > 0 && credentialIndex <= CONFIG_LOCK_NUM_CREDENTIALS, false); credential = mCredentials[credentialIndex - 1]; ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Getting lock credential %u: %s", static_cast(credentialIndex), credential.status == DlCredentialStatus::kAvailable ? "available" : "occupied"); return true; } bool BoltLockManager::SetCredential(uint16_t credentialIndex, FabricIndex creator, FabricIndex modifier, DlCredentialStatus credentialStatus, CredentialTypeEnum credentialType, const ByteSpan & secret) { VerifyOrReturnError(credentialIndex > 0 && credentialIndex <= CONFIG_LOCK_NUM_CREDENTIALS, false); VerifyOrReturnError(secret.size() <= kMaxCredentialLength, false); CredentialData & credentialData = mCredentialData[credentialIndex - 1]; auto & credential = mCredentials[credentialIndex - 1]; if (!secret.empty()) { memcpy(credentialData.mSecret.Alloc(secret.size()).Get(), secret.data(), secret.size()); } credential.status = credentialStatus; credential.credentialType = credentialType; credential.credentialData = ByteSpan(credentialData.mSecret.Get(), secret.size()); credential.creationSource = DlAssetSource::kMatterIM; credential.createdBy = creator; credential.modificationSource = DlAssetSource::kMatterIM; credential.lastModifiedBy = modifier; ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "Setting lock credential %u: %s", static_cast(credentialIndex), credential.status == DlCredentialStatus::kAvailable ? "available" : "occupied"); return true; } bool BoltLockManager::ValidatePIN(const Optional & pinCode, OperationErrorEnum & err) const { // Optionality of the PIN code is validated by the caller, so assume it is OK not to provide the PIN code. if (!pinCode.HasValue()) { return true; } ChipLogProgress(Zcl, "ValidatePIN %.*s", static_cast(pinCode.Value().size()), pinCode.Value().data()); // Check the PIN code for (const auto & credential : mCredentials) { if (credential.status == DlCredentialStatus::kAvailable || credential.credentialType != CredentialTypeEnum::kPin) { continue; } if (credential.credentialData.data_equal(pinCode.Value())) { ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Valid lock PIN code provided"); return true; } } ChipLogDetail(Zcl, "Invalid lock PIN code provided"); err = OperationErrorEnum::kInvalidCredential; return false; } bool BoltLockManager::InitiateAction(int32_t aActor, Action_t aAction) { bool action_initiated = false; State_t new_state; // Initiate Lock/Unlock Action only when the previous one is complete. if (mState == kState_LockingCompleted && aAction == UNLOCK_ACTION) { action_initiated = true; new_state = kState_UnlockingInitiated; } else if (mState == kState_UnlockingCompleted && aAction == LOCK_ACTION) { action_initiated = true; new_state = kState_LockingInitiated; } if (action_initiated) { StartTimer(ACTUATOR_MOVEMENT_PERIOS_MS); // Since the timer started successfully, update the state and trigger callback mState = new_state; if (mActionInitiated_CB) { mActionInitiated_CB(aAction, aActor); } } return action_initiated; } void BoltLockManager::StartTimer(uint32_t aTimeoutMs) { if (xTimerIsTimerActive(sLockTimer)) { ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "app timer already started!"); CancelTimer(); } // timer is not active, change its period to required value (== restart). // FreeRTOS- Block for a maximum of 100 ticks if the change period command // cannot immediately be sent to the timer command queue. if (xTimerChangePeriod(sLockTimer, (aTimeoutMs / portTICK_PERIOD_MS), 100) != pdPASS) { ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "sLockTimer timer start() failed"); // appError(APP_ERROR_START_TIMER_FAILED); } } void BoltLockManager::CancelTimer(void) { if (xTimerStop(sLockTimer, 0) == pdFAIL) { ChipLogError(NotSpecified, "Lock timer timer stop() failed"); // appError(APP_ERROR_STOP_TIMER_FAILED); } } void BoltLockManager::TimerEventHandler(TimerHandle_t xTimer) { // Get lock obj context from timer id. BoltLockManager * lock = static_cast(pvTimerGetTimerID(xTimer)); // The timer event handler will be called in the context of the timer task // once sLockTimer expires. Post an event to apptask queue with the actual handler // so that the event can be handled in the context of the apptask. AppEvent event; event.Type = AppEvent::kEventType_Timer; event.TimerEvent.Context = lock; event.Handler = ActuatorMovementTimerEventHandler; GetAppTask().PostEvent(&event); } void BoltLockManager::ActuatorMovementTimerEventHandler(AppEvent * aEvent) { Action_t actionCompleted = INVALID_ACTION; BoltLockManager * lock = static_cast(aEvent->TimerEvent.Context); if (lock->mState == kState_LockingInitiated) { lock->mState = kState_LockingCompleted; actionCompleted = LOCK_ACTION; } else if (lock->mState == kState_UnlockingInitiated) { lock->mState = kState_UnlockingCompleted; actionCompleted = UNLOCK_ACTION; } if (actionCompleted != INVALID_ACTION) { if (lock->mActionCompleted_CB) { lock->mActionCompleted_CB(actionCompleted); } } }