/* * * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Project CHIP Authors * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Google LLC. * Copyright (c) 2018 Nest Labs, Inc. * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* this file behaves like a config.h, comes first */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace chip { namespace DeviceLayer { namespace Internal { // *** CAUTION ***: Changing the names or namespaces of these values will *break* existing devices. // Namespaces used to store device configuration information. const char ASRConfig::kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory[] = "chip-factory"; const char ASRConfig::kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig[] = "chip-config"; const char ASRConfig::kConfigNamespace_ChipCounters[] = "chip-counters"; // Keys stored in the chip-factory namespace const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_SerialNum = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "serial-num" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_MfrDeviceId = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "device-id" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_MfrDeviceCert = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "device-cert" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_MfrDeviceICACerts = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "device-ca-certs" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_MfrDevicePrivateKey = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "device-key" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_SoftwareVersion = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "software-ver" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_HardwareVersion = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "hardware-ver" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_ManufacturingDate = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "mfg-date" }; #if !CONFIG_ENABLE_ASR_FACTORY_DATA_PROVIDER const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_SetupPinCode = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "pin-code" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_SetupDiscriminator = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "discriminator" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_Spake2pIterationCount = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "iteration-count" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_Spake2pSalt = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "salt" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_Spake2pVerifier = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "verifier" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_DACCert = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "dac-cert" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_DACPrivateKey = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "dac-key" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_DACPublicKey = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "dac-pub-key" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_PAICert = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "pai-cert" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_CertDeclaration = { kConfigNamespace_ChipFactory, "cert-dclrn" }; #endif // Keys stored in the chip-config namespace const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_ServiceConfig = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "service-config" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_PairedAccountId = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "account-id" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_ServiceId = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "service-id" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_LastUsedEpochKeyId = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "last-ek-id" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_FailSafeArmed = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "fail-safe-armed" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_WiFiStationSecType = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "sta-sec-type" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_RegulatoryLocation = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "regulatory-location" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_CountryCode = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "country-code" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_WiFiSSID = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "wifi-ssid" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_WiFiPassword = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "wifi-password" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_WiFiSecurity = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "wifi-security" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_WiFiMode = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "wifimode" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kConfigKey_UniqueId = { kConfigNamespace_ChipConfig, "unique-id" }; // Keys stored in the Chip-counters namespace const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kCounterKey_RebootCount = { kConfigNamespace_ChipCounters, "reboot-count" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kCounterKey_UpTime = { kConfigNamespace_ChipCounters, "up-time" }; const ASRConfig::Key ASRConfig::kCounterKey_TotalOperationalHours = { kConfigNamespace_ChipCounters, "total-hours" }; #define _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE 64 CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::ReadConfigValue(Key key, bool & val) { bool in; char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); CHIP_ERROR err = PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Get(key_str, static_cast(&in), sizeof(bool)); val = in; if (err == CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) { err = CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND; } return err; } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::ReadConfigValue(Key key, uint32_t & val) { uint32_t in; char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); CHIP_ERROR err = PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Get(key_str, static_cast(&in), 4); val = in; if (err == CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) { err = CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND; } return err; } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::ReadConfigValue(Key key, uint64_t & val) { uint64_t in; char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); CHIP_ERROR err = PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Get(key_str, static_cast(&in), 8); val = in; if (err == CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) { err = CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND; } return err; } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::ReadConfigValueStr(Key key, char * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); CHIP_ERROR err = PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Get(key_str, buf, bufSize, &outLen); if (err == CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) { err = CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND; } return err; } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::ReadConfigValueBin(Key key, uint8_t * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); CHIP_ERROR err = PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Get(key_str, buf, bufSize, &outLen); if (err == CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) { err = CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND; } return err; } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::WriteConfigValue(Key key, bool val) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); return PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Put(key_str, static_cast(&val), sizeof(bool)); } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::WriteConfigValue(Key key, uint32_t val) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); return PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Put(key_str, static_cast(&val), 4); } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::WriteConfigValue(Key key, uint64_t val) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); return PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Put(key_str, static_cast(&val), 8); } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::WriteConfigValueStr(Key key, const char * str) { size_t size = strlen(str) + 1; char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); return PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Put(key_str, str, size); } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::WriteConfigValueStr(Key key, const char * str, size_t strLen) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); return PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Put(key_str, str, strLen); } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::WriteConfigValueBin(Key key, const uint8_t * data, size_t dataLen) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); return PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Put(key_str, static_cast(&data), dataLen); } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::ClearConfigValue(Key key) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); return PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Delete(key_str); } bool ASRConfig::ConfigValueExists(Key key) { char key_str[_KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE] = { 0 }; char buf[4]; size_t outLen; key.to_str(key_str, _KVSTORE_MAX_KEY_SIZE); if (PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgr().Get(key_str, buf, 4, &outLen) == CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND) { return false; } return true; } #if CONFIG_ENABLE_ASR_FACTORY_DATA_PROVIDER CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::ReadFactoryConfigValue(asr_matter_partition_t matter_partition, uint8_t * buf, size_t bufSize, size_t & outLen) { factory_error_t ret = asr_factory_config_read(matter_partition, buf, (uint32_t) bufSize, (uint32_t *) &outLen); if (ret != FACTORY_NO_ERROR) { ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "asr_factory_config_read: %d failed, err = %d\n", matter_partition, ret); outLen = 0; return CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND; } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::ReadFactoryConfigValue(asr_matter_partition_t matter_partition, uint32_t & val) { uint8_t buf[4]; size_t outlen = 0; factory_error_t ret = asr_factory_config_read(matter_partition, buf, sizeof(uint32_t), (uint32_t *) &outlen); if (outlen > sizeof(uint32_t)) return CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; if (ret != FACTORY_NO_ERROR) { ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "asr_factory_config_read: %d failed, err = %d\n", matter_partition, ret); return CHIP_DEVICE_ERROR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND; } else { val = *((uint32_t *) buf); return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } } #endif // Clear out keys in config namespace CHIP_ERROR ASRConfig::FactoryResetConfig(void) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; const Key * config_keys[] = { &kConfigKey_ServiceConfig, &kConfigKey_PairedAccountId, &kConfigKey_ServiceId, &kConfigKey_LastUsedEpochKeyId, &kConfigKey_FailSafeArmed, &kConfigKey_WiFiStationSecType, &kConfigKey_WiFiSSID, &kConfigKey_WiFiPassword, &kConfigKey_WiFiSecurity, &kConfigKey_WiFiMode, &kConfigKey_SoftwareVersion }; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < (sizeof(config_keys) / sizeof(config_keys[0])); i++) { err = ClearConfigValue(*config_keys[i]); // Something unexpected happened if (err != CHIP_ERROR_PERSISTED_STORAGE_VALUE_NOT_FOUND && err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) { return err; } } // Erase all key-values including fabric info. err = PersistedStorage::KeyValueStoreMgrImpl().Erase(); if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Clear Key-Value Storage failed"); } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } void ASRConfig::RunConfigUnitTest() {} } // namespace Internal } // namespace DeviceLayer } // namespace chip