/* * * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Project CHIP Authors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @file * Utilities for accessing parameters of the network interface and the wireless * statistics(extracted from /proc/net/wireless) on webOS platforms. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace ::chip::app::Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics; namespace chip { namespace DeviceLayer { namespace Internal { uint16_t ConnectivityUtils::Map2400MHz(const uint8_t inChannel) { uint16_t frequency = 0; if (inChannel >= 1 && inChannel <= 13) { frequency = static_cast(2412 + ((inChannel - 1) * 5)); } else if (inChannel == 14) { frequency = 2484; } return frequency; } uint16_t ConnectivityUtils::Map5000MHz(const uint8_t inChannel) { uint16_t frequency = 0; switch (inChannel) { case 183: frequency = 4915; break; case 184: frequency = 4920; break; case 185: frequency = 4925; break; case 187: frequency = 4935; break; case 188: frequency = 4940; break; case 189: frequency = 4945; break; case 192: frequency = 4960; break; case 196: frequency = 4980; break; case 7: frequency = 5035; break; case 8: frequency = 5040; break; case 9: frequency = 5045; break; case 11: frequency = 5055; break; case 12: frequency = 5060; break; case 16: frequency = 5080; break; case 34: frequency = 5170; break; case 36: frequency = 5180; break; case 38: frequency = 5190; break; case 40: frequency = 5200; break; case 42: frequency = 5210; break; case 44: frequency = 5220; break; case 46: frequency = 5230; break; case 48: frequency = 5240; break; case 52: frequency = 5260; break; case 56: frequency = 5280; break; case 60: frequency = 5300; break; case 64: frequency = 5320; break; case 100: frequency = 5500; break; case 104: frequency = 5520; break; case 108: frequency = 5540; break; case 112: frequency = 5560; break; case 116: frequency = 5580; break; case 120: frequency = 5600; break; case 124: frequency = 5620; break; case 128: frequency = 5640; break; case 132: frequency = 5660; break; case 136: frequency = 5680; break; case 140: frequency = 5700; break; case 149: frequency = 5745; break; case 153: frequency = 5765; break; case 157: frequency = 5785; break; case 161: frequency = 5805; break; case 165: frequency = 5825; break; } return frequency; } uint16_t ConnectivityUtils::MapChannelToFrequency(const uint16_t inBand, const uint8_t inChannel) { uint16_t frequency = 0; if (inBand == kWiFi_BAND_2_4_GHZ) { frequency = Map2400MHz(inChannel); } else if (inBand == kWiFi_BAND_5_0_GHZ) { frequency = Map5000MHz(inChannel); } return frequency; } uint8_t ConnectivityUtils::MapFrequencyToChannel(const uint16_t frequency) { if (frequency < 2412) return 0; if (frequency < 2484) return (frequency - 2407) / 5; if (frequency == 2484) return 14; return frequency / 5 - 1000; } double ConnectivityUtils::ConvertFrequenceToFloat(const iw_freq * in) { double result = (double) in->m; for (int i = 0; i < in->e; i++) result *= 10; return result; } InterfaceTypeEnum ConnectivityUtils::GetInterfaceConnectionType(const char * ifname) { InterfaceTypeEnum ret = InterfaceTypeEnum::kUnspecified; int sock = -1; if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to open socket"); return InterfaceTypeEnum::kUnspecified; } // Test wireless extensions for CONNECTION_WIFI struct iwreq pwrq = {}; Platform::CopyString(pwrq.ifr_name, ifname); if (ioctl(sock, SIOCGIWNAME, &pwrq) != -1) { ret = InterfaceTypeEnum::kWiFi; } else if ((strncmp(ifname, "en", 2) == 0) || (strncmp(ifname, "eth", 3) == 0)) { struct ethtool_cmd ecmd = {}; ecmd.cmd = ETHTOOL_GSET; struct ifreq ifr = {}; ifr.ifr_data = reinterpret_cast(&ecmd); Platform::CopyString(ifr.ifr_name, ifname); if (ioctl(sock, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr) != -1) ret = InterfaceTypeEnum::kEthernet; } close(sock); return ret; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetInterfaceHardwareAddrs(const char * ifname, uint8_t * buf, size_t bufSize) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; int skfd; if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to create a channel to the NET kernel."); return CHIP_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } if (ifname[0] != '\0') { struct ifreq req; strcpy(req.ifr_name, ifname); if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &req) != -1) { // Copy 48-bit IEEE MAC Address VerifyOrReturnError(bufSize >= 6, CHIP_ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); memset(buf, 0, bufSize); memcpy(buf, req.ifr_ifru.ifru_hwaddr.sa_data, 6); err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; } } close(skfd); return err; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetWiFiInterfaceName(char * ifname, size_t bufSize) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; struct ifaddrs * ifaddr = nullptr; if (getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == -1) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to get network interfaces"); } else { struct ifaddrs * ifa = nullptr; /* Walk through linked list, maintaining head pointer so we can free list later */ for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != nullptr; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (GetInterfaceConnectionType(ifa->ifa_name) == InterfaceTypeEnum::kWiFi) { Platform::CopyString(ifname, bufSize, ifa->ifa_name); err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; break; } } freeifaddrs(ifaddr); } return err; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetWiFiParameter(int skfd, /* Socket to the kernel */ const char * ifname, /* Device name */ int request, /* WE ID */ struct iwreq * pwrq) /* Fixed part of the request */ { /* Set device name */ Platform::CopyString(pwrq->ifr_name, ifname); /* Do the request */ if (ioctl(skfd, request, pwrq) < 0) { return CHIP_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST; } return CHIP_NO_ERROR; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetWiFiStats(int skfd, const char * ifname, struct iw_statistics * stats) { struct iwreq wrq; wrq.u.data.pointer = (caddr_t) stats; wrq.u.data.length = sizeof(struct iw_statistics); wrq.u.data.flags = 1; /*Clear updated flag */ Platform::CopyString(wrq.ifr_name, ifname); return GetWiFiParameter(skfd, ifname, SIOCGIWSTATS, &wrq); } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetWiFiChannelNumber(const char * ifname, uint16_t & channelNumber) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; struct iwreq wrq; int skfd; if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to create a channel to the NET kernel."); return CHIP_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } if (GetWiFiParameter(skfd, ifname, SIOCGIWFREQ, &wrq) == CHIP_NO_ERROR) { double freq = ConvertFrequenceToFloat(&(wrq.u.freq)); VerifyOrReturnError((freq / 1000000) <= UINT16_MAX, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_INTEGER_VALUE); channelNumber = MapFrequencyToChannel(static_cast(freq / 1000000)); err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; } close(skfd); return err; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetWiFiRssi(const char * ifname, int8_t & rssi) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; struct iw_statistics stats; int skfd; if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to create a channel to the NET kernel."); return CHIP_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } if (GetWiFiStats(skfd, ifname, &stats) == CHIP_NO_ERROR) { struct iw_quality * qual = &stats.qual; /* Check if the statistics are in RCPI (IEEE 802.11k) */ if (qual->updated & IW_QUAL_RCPI) { /* Deal with signal level in RCPI */ /* RCPI = int{(Power in dBm +110)*2} for 0dbm > Power > -110dBm */ if (!(qual->updated & IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID)) { double rcpilevel = (qual->level / 2.0) - 110.0; VerifyOrReturnError(rcpilevel <= INT8_MAX, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_INTEGER_VALUE); rssi = static_cast(rcpilevel); err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; } } else { /* Check if the statistics are in dBm */ if (qual->updated & IW_QUAL_DBM) { /* Deal with signal level in dBm (absolute power measurement) */ if (!(qual->updated & IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID)) { int dblevel = qual->level; /* Implement a range for dBm[-192; 63] */ if (qual->level >= 64) dblevel -= 0x100; VerifyOrReturnError(dblevel <= INT8_MAX, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_INTEGER_VALUE); rssi = static_cast(dblevel); err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; } } else { /* Deal with signal level as relative value (0 -> max) */ if (!(qual->updated & IW_QUAL_LEVEL_INVALID)) { VerifyOrReturnError(qual->level <= INT8_MAX, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_INTEGER_VALUE); rssi = static_cast(qual->level); err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; } } } } close(skfd); return err; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetWiFiBeaconLostCount(const char * ifname, uint32_t & beaconLostCount) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; struct iw_statistics stats; int skfd; if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to create a channel to the NET kernel."); return CHIP_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } if (GetWiFiStats(skfd, ifname, &stats) == CHIP_NO_ERROR) { beaconLostCount = stats.miss.beacon; err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; } close(skfd); return err; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetWiFiCurrentMaxRate(const char * ifname, uint64_t & currentMaxRate) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; struct iwreq wrq; int skfd; if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to create a channel to the NET kernel."); return CHIP_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } if (GetWiFiParameter(skfd, ifname, SIOCGIWRATE, &wrq) == CHIP_NO_ERROR) { currentMaxRate = wrq.u.bitrate.value; err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; } close(skfd); return err; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetEthInterfaceName(char * ifname, size_t bufSize) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; struct ifaddrs * ifaddr = nullptr; if (getifaddrs(&ifaddr) == -1) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to get network interfaces"); } else { struct ifaddrs * ifa = nullptr; /* Walk through linked list, maintaining head pointer so we can free list later */ for (ifa = ifaddr; ifa != nullptr; ifa = ifa->ifa_next) { if (GetInterfaceConnectionType(ifa->ifa_name) == InterfaceTypeEnum::kEthernet) { Platform::CopyString(ifname, bufSize, ifa->ifa_name); err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; break; } } freeifaddrs(ifaddr); } return err; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetEthPHYRate(const char * ifname, app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum & pHYRate) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; int skfd; uint32_t speed = 0; struct ethtool_cmd ecmd = {}; ecmd.cmd = ETHTOOL_GSET; struct ifreq ifr = {}; ifr.ifr_data = reinterpret_cast(&ecmd); Platform::CopyString(ifr.ifr_name, ifname); if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to create a channel to the NET kernel."); return CHIP_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr) == -1) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Cannot get device settings"); close(skfd); return CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; } speed = (ecmd.speed_hi << 16) | ecmd.speed; switch (speed) { case 10: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate10M; break; case 100: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate100M; break; case 1000: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate1G; break; case 25000: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate25g; break; case 5000: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate5G; break; case 10000: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate10G; break; case 40000: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate40G; break; case 100000: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate100G; break; case 200000: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate200G; break; case 400000: pHYRate = app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateEnum::kRate400G; break; default: ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Undefined speed! (%d)\n", speed); err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; break; }; close(skfd); return err; } CHIP_ERROR ConnectivityUtils::GetEthFullDuplex(const char * ifname, bool & fullDuplex) { CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; int skfd; struct ethtool_cmd ecmd = {}; ecmd.cmd = ETHTOOL_GSET; struct ifreq ifr = {}; ifr.ifr_data = reinterpret_cast(&ecmd); Platform::CopyString(ifr.ifr_name, ifname); if ((skfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Failed to create a channel to the NET kernel."); return CHIP_ERROR_OPEN_FAILED; } if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr) == -1) { ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "Cannot get device settings"); err = CHIP_ERROR_READ_FAILED; } else { fullDuplex = ecmd.duplex == DUPLEX_FULL; err = CHIP_NO_ERROR; } close(skfd); return err; } } // namespace Internal } // namespace DeviceLayer } // namespace chip